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Neto, C., & Meynell, L (2023) Scaffold: A Causal Concept for Evolutionary Explanations Philosophy of Science

Neto, C., Meynell, L., & Jones, T. C (2023) Scaffolds and Scaffolding: An Explanatory Strategy in Evolutionary Biology. Biology & Philosophy

Jones, Christopher, Meynell, L., Neto, C., et al. (2023) The role of the ecological scaffold in the origin and maintenance of whole-group trait altruism in microbial populations. BMC Ecology and Evolution.

Neto, C., & Doolittle, F (2022) The Chemostat Model of Evolution by Persistence, and its Relevance to Clade Selection Philosophy of Science

Neto, C (2021) From Idealizations to Social Practices in Science: The case of Phylogenetic Trees SynthesDOI 10.1007/s11229-021-03271-9

Neto, C (2020) When Imprecision is a Good Thing, or How Imprecise Concepts promote Integration in Biology Biology & Philosophy 35 (6); 1-21 

Neto, C (2019) What is a Lineage? Philosophy of Science  86 (5): 1099-1110 

Neto, C (2016) Rethinking Species Cohesion and Individuality Biological Theory  11(3): 138-14
Neto, C (2012) Indivíduos ou Tipos Naturais? Estatuto Ontológico e Natureza Histórica das Espécies Biológicas em David Hull  (Individuals or Natural Kinds? The Ontological Status and Historical Nature of Species) in: Revista Rumos da Epistemologia, vol.11, UFSC, original in portuguese

Neto, C (2011) Considerações Críticas sobre o papel do conceito de “coesão” na tese espécies –como–indivíduos de David Hull (Critical remarks on the role of cohesion in David Hull's individuality thesis) in: História e Filosofia da Biologia, vol.6, n.2, original in portuguese. 

Work in Progress 

The Risks of Biological Races (pre-print version here; under review) 

Population Descriptors in Human Genomics (under review; draft upon request) - with Abigail de las Nieves and Yasmin Haddad 

Race Constructionism as Investigative Practice (draft upon request)

Values in Human Genomics (edited volume; draft upon request) - with Yasmin Haddad

Genomics and Postgenomics (Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, revision in preparation) - with John Dupre and Stephan Guttinger


Scientific Metaphysics and Values (in preparation) - with Marc Ereshefsky

PhD Dissertation

Biological Lineages in Philosophical Focus (University of Calgary, 2020)


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